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Our Model:  Core Team + Needed Team. Eureka!

The beauty of affiliating with a full-service, global law company like Elevate, replete with a business unit devoted to flexible lawyering and staffing services for customers, is that our “team” is literally hundreds of lawyers and paralegals in multiple locations across the globe. This gives ElevateNext the bench of a large firm but at substantially lower prices.  We add  team members with the necessary expertise and experience-level at the specific time they are needed.  That means that we don’t  have to factor unnecessary overhead for legions of associates, expensive artwork, overpaid partners (huh? overpaid?),  or redundant administrative staff.  Our model couples our core team with bench strength as we need it in multiple geographic locations and at multiple experience levels at a much lower cost than traditional firms but without sacrificing quality.   How’s that, Thomas Edison? (Now do you get why there are a bunch of light bulbs on this page?)