If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we solve the problems law departments have?
July 20, 1969. That day, the world watched, transfixed, as Neil Armstrong (who was actually Nicole’s neighbor – ask her about the “moon rock” story) became the first person to walk on the moon. That day has become the benchmark for doing great things—“If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we do x?”
But the more important date may have been May 25, 1961. That day, President Kennedy announced the goal of “landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” Those words triggered one of the greatest feats of collaboration and engineering the world has ever seen.
We all know that solutions to problems are rarely created serendipitously; they do not come about as a result of hope. First, goals must be identified. Then, better solutions must be engineered through collaboration, process design and discipline. Solutions for the legal industry are no different.
Displacing Incumbents: We have been challenging the status quo for more than a decade. We know from experience that moving work from an incumbent can seem daunting. For many, it seems easier to keep doing the same thing with the same people in the same way as before. Yet evolution towards innovation, lower costs and a better process can only occur if you are actually willing to challenge the “same old” and displace the incumbent for a better way. And remember, if you are handling the work in-house, you may be the inefficient incumbent. We’ve learned a lot about making the transition from incumbents and delivering a great experience for customers who make the move to a better future. Whether a gradual or an immediate transition, we do everything possible to make sure any shift in work is as seamless as possible for you, your team and your internal clients. To the extent that we need to interact with your prior provider(s), we do so cooperatively and always with the highest level of professionalism.
Business As Usual matters don’t necessarily require rocket science to solve. They require dedicated thinking about ways to do things faster, more efficiently and less expensively. We help you identify and reach your goals in this regard. For you, that may mean reducing the routine matters bogging down the law department, more efficiently addressing matters in a portfolio, reducing the time to resolution of incoming requests or complaints, or reducing the amount paid in settlements for litigation. Whether it is routine compliance, litigation portfolios, entity management and formation, contract advice and counsel, that’s what ElevateNext + Elevate is all about.

As with anything new, there are bound to be questions. The more people question, the more we shatter the status quo. Fire away.